
Aesthetic dentistry

Apart from the purely medical aspect, dental treatment more and more often concentrates on the improvement of the aesthetics of smile. The mouth, with visible teeth take up a significant part of the face and considerably impact a person’s appearance and looks. Patients who often undergo a complex treatment process would like to know at the very start what effect will eventually be achieved. Until now, they had to rely on their imagination and listen to a medical language, which is not always accessible and lucid.
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Basic Dental Treatment

The main role of basic dental treatment, known as conservative dentistry, is the prevention and treatment for consequences of the most common tooth disease, that is dental caries in all its forms. The development of dental caries begins in a very innocent way with small carious spots on the teeth, but if untreated, these spots turn into less innocent loss of hard dental tissue that may lead to the damage of internal dental tissue, i.e. pulp.
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Children’s dentistry

Właściwe przygotowanie dziecka do pierwszej wizyty u dentysty oraz prawidłowy jej przebieg to niezwykle ważne czynniki kształtujące późniejszą postawę dziecka wobec leczenia stomatologicznego.
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Dental surgery

Chirurgia stomatologiczna to dziedzina medycyny, zajmująca się leczeniem operacyjnym jamy ustnej i okolic przyległych. Wyłoniła się w drugiej połowie XIX w. jako dział stomatologii, wymagający przygotowania ogólnochirurgicznego. W ramach tej specjalności wykonywany jest cały szereg zabiegów w obszarze obejmującym jamę ustną, w tym zabiegi, wspomagające inne dziedziny stomatologii, np. endodoncję –
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It is unfortunately very often the last chance of saving a tooth. Endodontic treatment consists in the removal of infected or dead pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals, mechanical dilatation and disinfection of canals and tight filling of these spaces with special materials.
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First visit

Najważniejsze jest dla nas kompleksowe i dokładne zdiagnozowanie pacjenta i przedstawienie mu całościowego planu leczenia. Dlatego też wymagane jest wykonanie zdjęcia tomograficznego układu stomatognatycznego.
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Nothing can ruin our looks more than a missing tooth, particularly one in the front part of the dental arch. This was known already to the Maya people from Central America, who restored missing teeth using seashells several hundred years BC. Later came the use of cow bone, iron, and even 18-carat gold implants. And so, step by step, came the year 1960, when the first pure titanium implant was used. Missing teeth are not just about aesthetics, but above all health. Impaired chewing ability, difficulties eating and drinking, inhibitions. All that makes the problem of missing teeth greater than patients usually think. That is why implants are a perfect solution for achieving a healthy smile. Owing to permanent tooth restoration, they restore radiance to your smile. Because only pre-school pupils look cute with a missing tooth…
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Modern x-ray diagnostics

In our Clinic roentgen films went out of date. Now we’re closer to perfection. We use state-of-the-art digital programmes for taking dental radiographs by means of digital radiography techniques (the image of the examined object is obtained not on a roentgen film but on a computer screen), which decrease the radiation dose up to 9 times in comparison with traditional X-rays.
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At the time of the first appointment, the orthodontist decides if orthodontic treatment is required and takes a detailed medical history from the patient in order to fully understand the reasons for the patient’s visit, as well as to find out their expectations. This allows an individual treatment plan to be drawn up, which is the first step to achieving results that are satisfactory for both the patient and the doctor.
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Healthy and beautiful smile also means healthy gums. Symptoms such asreceding gums, temperature hypersensitivity, gums pulling away from the teeth, formation of gaps between teeth, relocation of teeth,loose teeth or even tooth loss, bad breath, bleeding, swollen or red gums are signs of a disease affecting gums and other tissues surrounding the teeth – periodontitis.
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Physiotherapy of the mandibular joint

Correct bite is not only a matter of teeth positioning, but also the functioning of the entire masticatory apparatus – temporomandibular joints and muscles responsible for their movement, as well as the cervical spine.
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At Elektoralna Dental Clinic, we provide patients a full range of professionally performed preventive treatments using modern and proven methods.” Because it is very important to have healthy teeth!”.
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Najlepszą alternatywą dla klasycznych wypełnień kompozytowych wykonywanych bezpośrednio w gabinecie na zębach tylnych są wypełnienia modelowane w pracowni technicznej – inlay i onlay.
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Tooth whitening

The stars shine the brightest and that is why every trend starts from them. They know that a beautiful smile makes a stronger impression than perfect make-up, hair style or elaborate outfit. It is said that in their world no career is possible without talent and Hollywood smile. One of the most popular, most fashionable and quickest aesthetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. This procedure will make your face take on a new brilliance.
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treatment under anesthesia

W Elektoralna Dental Clinic często mamy do czynienia z pacjentami, którzy bardzo boją się leczenia. Specjalnie dla nich przygotowaliśmy usługę leczenia w sedacji, podtlentkiem azotu potocznie nazywanym gazem rozweselającym.
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