Doctor of medical sciences, specialist in the field of dental prosthetics.
A graduate of doctoral studies and the Department of Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw.
Many years of professional and scientific experience is constantly enriched by courses and participation in symposia on the latest achievements of dentistry.
She has been associated with Elektoralna Dental Clinic since 2020. She cares for the beautiful smile of our patients and performs treatments in the field of dental prosthetics and aesthetic dentistry. She deals with the treatment of masticatory organ dysfunctions.
Work is her passion. Always extremely focused and careful.
She spends a lot of time on each one for an initial interview and a thorough discussion of the treatment plan.
Patients appreciate her professionalism, individual approach and the fact that she is always smiling.
She is open and friendly. It creates a nice atmosphere in the office, which significantly increases the comfort of treatment.