Marta Raczek
The patient applay to participate in the Metamorphoses project while she was freshly divorced.
She won the fight against cancer. She wanted to show through the program to other women that divorce is not the end of the world. She is a person who cares about appearance.
However, her weak point was teeth. Many discolored fillings and leaky porcelain crowns was a reason that Marta rarely smiled. In our clinic, the patient’s teeth have undergone a complete metamorphosis. Marta can now prove to women that after a divorce, life not only does not end, but new one begins . Moreover, she admit that it can be even more beautifull. Today, her trademark is a snow-white smile.
Treatments performed at Elektoralna Dental Clinic:
- Photo (photo of teeth at every stage of treatment)
- Hygienization + periodontal treatment using the method of Dr. Kiworkowa
- Root canal treatment
- Conservative treatment + front teeth aesthetics – veneers
- Prosthetic treatment: porcelain crowns on steel on the sides